Monday, August 29, 2005

The Randoms

So, in the ever increasing randomness of the narrative of my life, I received a phone call yesterday evening about 9 pm. From a young woman who was acting as a broker for an UES studio available for a 1-year sublet. She was eager to see if she could find me something else in case the studio didn't come through. It turns out , quite bizarrely, that she's a graduate student at Ivy U in 20th C non-English Literature. And thus we have much in common. The phone conversation stretched on for 2 hours or so as we talked shop, academia more generally, the infantilization question, intellectualism and anti-intellectualism, literature, and occasionally housing. Very peculiar, but a wonderful conversation. We're meeting for drinks sometime this week. Craig's List, oh Craig's List, how thou dost appeal to my desire for the improbable. Plus, from the other places I've been looking at for share situations, there's been a rather ridiuclous number of UK-educated individuals. Perhaps I only respond to correctly spelled and well-punctuated adverts? The odds can't possibly be reasonable for the small-world intersections I've encountered. But hell, I'm not complaining. Rather, as always, I'm enchanted. But I should really be working. If only I weren't couch-surfing....


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