Monday, March 06, 2006

filling time

That is not to say my time's not filled - this pesky teaching gig fills it to the brim and then some. No, I'm filling time before heading out for dinner with a woman who essentially is a complete stranger. We met through my cousin a few weeks ago, got along (in an un-sober kind of way) and decided it was just-add-water friendship time. After delaying (for reasons both valid and other) actually meeting up again, I ran out of time by the end of last week, and had to schedule for dinner this evening. Whereas there are a handful of people I'd much rather be seeing tonight, as they're the ones I'll miss when I leave.

In a bizarrely nostalgic mood this evening, mostly, I think, because I'm bloody exhausted - a bad sign for a Monday. I was re-reading large swathes of a blog I used to keep, of the teenage-Polish-girl-tells-all variety, although it was so suitably cryptic that parts of it had me scratching my head, puzzled, this evening. One only know what my various readers at the time thought I was saying. I miss the impulse to write those things, to record them, to share the miseries and joys both solitary and companionable. I needed an audience more, I think. Or allowed myself to over-analyze, well, myself. And it just sort of fell off, from April of last year. Two years on, one year off - the future holds?

A relocation, another move, another starting all over again. But on the track, this time. Pun intended.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tpt forever yo!

9:22 PM  
Blogger itinerarium said...

old skool...

9:28 PM  

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