Monday, December 05, 2005

snow mostly gone; panic attack too

Well, the snow has been gritted, shoveled, rained, walked, ploughed, and otherwise summarily dismissed by the inhabitants of this fine metropolis. Shame, really. And it wasn't a proper panic attack, more of what one would call a "wobbly" in the UK. So the snow's mostly gone, and last night's wobbly, as well. I'm facing an alarming amount of work between now and the end of the month, what with the MLA paper to write, the freelance pay-the-bills-and-help-friends gig (full time) for 2 weeks, the freelance pay-the-bills-and-help-a-friend gig (part time, ongoing), the freelance pay-the-bills gig (project), and, oh yeah, bloody preparing for interviews. "I found reading the Art of War at the time strangely soothing," said my tenured friend. Hmmph. I'm wondering how such lovely sentiments as, "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant," are going to help in my interviews. I struggle to imagine sitting in a hotel room pretending to be weak, striving to irritate the interviewers. More coffee. More snow would be nice, as well.


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